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August 25, 2011

3. Editing in Seqman

#Puropose: Making a contig/consensus sequence with both forward and reverse sequence

1. Open ‘Seqman’ software.
Click File->new->add sequences (go to that directory where you saved ‘.scf’ files).

                                                                        Seqman window

3. Select both sequences then click Add->Done.

4. A new window will open, click ‘Assemble’ in that window and you will get a window like this-

Double click ; ‘Contig 1’(indicated) and the then you will get a window like this

5. Now the editing part begins. Check this figure carefully-

At 93 no nt position, It shows ‘M’ that means in this two sequences, the nt is not same at this position in forward and reverse sequence which is not possible because  these two sequences represent two strands of a single dsDNA. So it should be corrected.

6. In case of forward sequence it shows ‘C’ and in reverse sequence it shows ‘A’. Now, look at the corresponding peaks. In reverse sequence it shows a clear ‘green’ peak while in forward sequence it is overlapped with ‘blue and green’. So by cross matching two peaks it is clear that it should be ‘A’ in forward sequence rather than ‘C’.

7. Replace ‘M’ with ‘A’ and continue through the whole sequence in same way.

8. After completion, click ‘contig’ in the main bar, select ‘Save consensus ->single file-> .gcg(in ‘save as type box’->save.

This is the consensus file. We will work with this in GeneDoc’ software further.

1 comment:

  1. I Like to add one more important thing here, The Global Bioinformatics Market is expected to be around US$ 17 Billion by 2025 at a CAGR of 14% in the given forecast period.
